Fabrice Tremblay
• Fabrice Tremblay composed and performed his music for over 25 years. Multi-instrumentalist, he explores various musical and melodic universe. He defines himself as a craftsman, a watchmaker who adjusts and polishes his work in detail.
• His music tells stories, it is cinematic. Film music facinates him. Soundtracks have marked him in his youth such as "The Godfather" and "Once upon a time in America" , and most recently "Brokeback Mountain" of Gustavo Santaolalla.
Recent experiences
- Original compositions for the "Parcours 400 ans Top Chrono", 2008, 400th celebrations of Quebec City.
- Original music for "Kébec, pierre de mémoire" multimedia presentation (circus, dance, singing, music), a tribute to Quebec’s city during his 400th anniversary.
- Sound universe’s garden of the Museum of Civilization in 2009, "Vertiges sur les toits du Musée’’.
- Participation in the launch of Lévis’s celebrations, January 2011, "Lévis au cube" Azur Creations.
He enjoys all musical styles. He appreciates the influence of Ennio Morricone, Brian Wilson, Bernard Herrmann, Burt Bacharach and many more...